
Workshop on Drinking Water and Recreational Water EpidemiologyApril 16, 2001

Workshop on Drinking Water and Recreational Water EpidemiologyApril 16, 2001

WRRC invited Rebecca Calderon, Ph.D., ASM (American Society of Microbiology) Foundation Speaker for 2001, and Chief of the Epidemiology & Biomarkers Branch at the EPA's National Health & Environmental Effects Research Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC, to be the key speaker at a workshop on Drinking Water and Recreational Water Epidemiology that was held here in Honolulu on April 16, 2001.

Co-sponsors of this important event included: the American Society for Microbiology, Hawaii State Department of Health, the Hawaii Branch of the American Water Works Association, and the Hawaii Water Environment Association. The topic of the workshop was "An Overview of Drinking Water Epidemiology Research Programs, and Evaluation of Potential Health Effects Associated with Non Point Sources of Enteric Microbial Organisms.