
Water Management and Water Reuse

Water Management and Water Reuse

Water Management and Water Reuse

Moreland, Victor, Roger Fujioka

Water management is a process for determining a proper blend between demand management and supply augmentation with options that provide a long – term, reliable water supply for all beneficial uses ( best water source use) at a reasonable cost (financial resources best use) and with the highest possible benefits to the water users, economic development, environmental quality, and other perceived society needs.

Drinking water requires a multi – barrier approach to providing proper quality water to protect the public health of our world’s population. The first barrier starts with protecting water sources, both surface waters and groundwaters. This source water protection and the other barriers will be discussed in the text of this paper. Drinking water quality is not required for all uses and source waters should be paired appropriately with needed quality water for its intended use (irrigation does not require potable water).

Even treated wastewaters have beneficial uses for other than drinking purposes as long as appropriate laws, regulations, and government sponsored monitoring and enforcement can provide acceptable public health risk.