Performance Evaluation of a Cyclic Biological Wastewater Treatment System
Roger W. Babcock, Jr., Danielle Restelli, Trevor Yatomi, Cody Tallman, and Kanoelani Yada
November 2021, iv+45 pp.
The International Wastewater Technologies, Inc. Cyclic Biological Treatment (CBT) System wastewater treatment unit was evaluated at the East Honolulu Wastewater Treatment Plant (EHWWTP). A pump, plumbing, electronic valves, dosing tank with float switch, and a programmable logic controller (the "system") were fitted to the CBT. The system withdrew raw wastewater from the EHWWTP influent channel as influent and treated effluent was discharged into the EHWWTP headworks. The system was designed to provide a total flow of 800 gal/day to the CBT in a manner prescribed by the National Sanitation Foundation Standard 40 (NSF40) and 245 (NSF245) test protocols. The NSF40/245 protocols call for 35% of the daily flow to enter between 6 am and 9 am, 25% to enter between 11 am and 2 pm, and 40% to enter between 5 pm and 8 pm. The protocol calls for a sixteen-week continuous design loading period followed by a series of four stress loading tests over 7.5 weeks and a final 2.5 weeks of design loading.