Archives: Research (page 15)
Assessing Ground Water Sustainability of the Island of Tutuila, American Samoa
Project Category: Environmental Assessment & Protection
Assessment of Hydraulic Properties through Tidal Ground-level Analysis for the State of Hawaii
Project Category: Archived Research Projects
Monthly Rainfall Maps for the Islands of Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, and Hawaii, 2008-2010
Project Category: Environmental Assessment & Protection
Assessment of Groundwater Availability in the Volcanic-Rock Aquifers of Oahu, Hawaii
Project Category: Environmental Assessment & Protection | Water Quality, Ecology, & Public Health Sciences
Estimating Evapotranspiration Over Native Wet Montane Cloud Forests in Hawaii and Evaluating the Impact of Climate Change on it
Temporal and spatial effects of sewage outfalls on the ecosystem health of coastal waters offshore of Honolulu
Project Category: Water Quality, Ecology, & Public Health Sciences
Building a polychaete species database for water management purposes in American Samoa
Project Category: Environmental Assessment & Protection
Quantifying Groundwater Discharge from the Faga’alu Aquifer, American Samoa
Project Category: Environmental Assessment & Protection