National Institute for Water Resources, Water Resources Research Institute Program
This research was a collaboration involving personnel and other resources from Environment Inc., the US Army, and the Hawaii Agricultural Research Center (HARC) that was utilized in experiments that were conducted at the Makua Military Reservation and various analyses that were conducted at the University of Hawaii. The scope of work conducted by UH was as follows:
1. Assisted with collection and processing of liquid samples. Samples were collected from field test plots at Makua Military Reservation (MMR) and greenhouse plants grown at HARC. Liquid samples included various leachate waters; soil pore waters (vacuum lysimeter leachate), and possibly surface/ground waters. Samples were analyzed for RDX, DNT, and various related explosives and degradation products via EPA Method 8330. Samples were also analyzed for TOC, nitrogen species (NH4, N02/N03), total P, conductivity, DO, pH, and turbidity. UH personnel conducted all chemical analyses.
2. Assisted with collection and processing of soil and plant tissue samples. Samples were collected from field test plots at MMR and greenhouse plants at HARC. Samples included composite soil samples and plant roots/shoots. Samples were extracted using EPA Method 8330. Extracted samples were analyzed for RDX, DNT and various related explosives and degradation products via EPA Method 8330. UH personnel conducted all sample extractions and chemical analyses.