
Development of a Pilot Scale Water Resources Research Center Outputs and Products Data Portal

The primary goal for this proposed work is to develop an open data portal to archive and provide access to research products developed through efforts of UH WRRC and ASCCLG. The portal will improve the searchability for publications, reports, and data.

Development of a Pilot Scale Water Resources Research Center Outputs and Products Data Portal

US Geological Survey Water Resources Institute Program

01/03/20 – 02/28/21

The University of Hawai‘i Water Resources Research Center (UH WRRC) and the American Samoa Community College Land Grant (ASCCLG) have produced an array of water focused research products ranging from technical reports and peer-reviewed publications to critical water-quality and geospatial datasets. A centralized repository and access point for all research products generated by these institutions is greatly needed. The primary goal for this work is to develop an open data portal to archive and publicly serve existing digitized and publicly-available research products developed through the past and present efforts of UH WRRC and ASCCLG. The project focuses on making reports and other research products quarriable using machine learning methods to extract keywords from publication abstracts to automate the creation of metadata. We will also communicate with, and assess recommendations from, the other island region WRRIP centers to ensure that the portal has the potential to be expanded to include other centers. This would not only provide a centralized location for downloading data, but also facilitate the exchange of information between institutes. The user portal will be a web-based interface enabling users to access, query, upload, and download research products and data.