Home-Revised (page 16)

The WRRC serves the State of Hawaii as well as other pacific islands and elsewhere by researching water-related issues distinctive to these areas. We are Hawai‘i’s link in a network represented in every state as well as Washington, D.C. and three U.S. Territories.

Water Quality


Public Health Sciences

Hydrological Sciences

Social Dimensions
& Economics

Water & Wastewater


Assessment & Protection

Recent Posts


Studies on Oil Weathering Models and Impacts of Upwelling in Shallow Wetlands

August 2023

Congratulations to Dr. Xiaolong (Leo) Geng, WRRC hydrogeologist and faculty member with the Department of Earth Sciences, who recently published two papers. The recent publication for (1) “A generic approach to construct pseudo components for oil weathering models” is published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials and (2) “Impacts of evaporation-induced groundwater upwelling on mixing dynamics in shallow wetlands” is published in Geophysical Research Letters...


Environmental Change on Native and Invasive Macroalgae

July 2023

A new study predicting the environmental effects of climate change, urban development, and land cover was recently published in Water Resources Research. The authors—representing diverse research specialties, including members from WRRC—concluded that the effects will increase habitat suitability of the invasive seaweed Hypnea musciformis and decrease the growth of the culturally-important native limu Ulva lactuca (or limu pālahalaha)...


Preserving the Water We Have

June 2023

To become better stewards of Hawai‘i’s natural resources, we need to understand the challenges facing the state, especially to protect and manage our water. In a recent interview with Hawaii Now, Dr. Victoria Keener and Dr. Tom Giambelluca spoke about managing the climate risks in the Pacific Islands...