
How Climate Change is Impacting Hawai‘iOctober 2023

How Climate Change is Impacting Hawai‘iOctober 2023



In the aftermath of the devastating fires on Maui, Tom Giambelluca was asked how climate warming is creating a greater risk for wildfires in Hawai‘i, and how different land covers (both native and invasive) affect the hydrology of the areas. Dr. Giambelluca is the director of the Water Resources Research Center and a professor with the UH Department of Geography and Environment.


Listen to the Land and People podcast here (EP 20: September 29, 2023  |  1 hr 6 min)

The podcast is also available on AppleGoogleSpotify.





“Hawai‘i conservationist and artist Melissa Chimera and University of Hawai‘i Mānoa fire and ecosystems scientist Dr. Clay Trauernicht talk with land protectors in Hawai‘i and the Pacific about the places they cherish through their professional and ancestral ties. We paint an intimate portrait of today’s land stewards dealing with global crises while problem solving at the local level. Brought to you by the Cooperative Extension Program at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.” — from Land and People podcast (powered by Podbean)