
Congratulations Brian Allen! 2023 Lau ScholarOctober 2023

Congratulations Brian Allen! 2023 Lau ScholarOctober 2023



I am grateful to have been chosen to receive the 2023 L. Stephen Lau Scholarship. This is an honor and validates my research as a PhD student in Civil, Environmental & Construction Engineering at UH Mānoa. A focus of my research is leveraging coliphage viruses as indicators of water quality for wastewater reuse. Wastewater reuse is becoming increasingly important in regions that are experiencing water scarcity and the impacts from global climate change. This research is pivotal in creating a safe metric for water quality in many different reuse applications. By optimizing the detection and quantification of coliphages, we can help to safeguard the public health and strengthen the resilience of communities grappling with water-related challenges. The L. Stephen Lau Scholarship empowers me to continue this research toward a more sustainable water future.