Field Methods for Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Sorptivity

Technical Memorandum Report No. 67 Field Methods for Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Sorptivity Richard E. Green and She-Kong Chong June 1983 ABSTRACT The application of mathmatical models incorporating water flow theory to practical hydrologic problems (e.g., runoff, groundwater recharge, irrigation)…

Mineralogy of Sediments in Three Estuaries on Oahu, Hawaii

Technical Memorandum Report No. 68 Mineralogy of Sediments in Three Estuaries on Oahu, Hawaii Paul C. Ekern and Pow-foong Fan June 1983 ABSTRACT Semiquantitative X-ray diffraction was used to detemine the relative abundance of minerals in sediments from three estuaries…

Macrodispersivity of Selected Hawaii Basaltic Aquifers

Technical Memorandum Report No. 72 Macrodispersivity of Selected Hawaii Basaltic Aquifers L. Stephen Lau and Ben E. Ishii September 1983 ABSTRACT Longitudinal dispersivity was evaluated in terms of local transverse dispersivity for the permeable, thin layered Hawaiian basaltic aquifers on…

Greywater Reuse

Technical Memorandum Report No. 73 Greywater Reuse Wesley M. Hirano and Reginald H. F. Young January 1983 ABSTRACT Household wastewater can be divided into ³blackwater” (toilet wastewater) and “greywater” (non-toilet wastewater). Recently, schemes have been proposed for the segregation of…

Aquifer Classification, State of Hawaii

Technical Memorandum Report No. 75 Aquifer Classification, State of Hawaii John F. Mink and Stanley T. Sumida December 1984 ABSTRACT A consistent classification and nomenclature of the aquifer systems in the state of Hawaii do not exist in spite of…