Sea-Level Rise and Inundation of Infrastructure Including Coastal Cesspools and Wastewater SystemsDate: January 29, 2021

Speakers: Dr. Shellie Habel and Dr. Trista McKenzie Abstract: Sea-level rise induced impacts in Hawai‘i are becoming increasingly problematic and observable as infrastructure degradation and failure occurs; this includes onsite sewage disposal systems. This presentation reviews the impacts that outdated and aging…

Recent Water-Resource Studies by the USGS Pacific Islands Water Science CenterDate: December 09, 2020

Speakers: Delwyn Oki, Kolja Rotzoll, Jackson Mitchell, Alan Mair, and Chui Ling Cheng Abstract: The U.S. Geological Survey, Pacific Islands Water Science Center (PIWSC) collects hydrologic data and conducts studies in Hawaiʻi and the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands to improve…

Measuring and Modeling Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in Complex Terrain: Lessons Learned from IPHExDate: October 28, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Ana Barros Abstract: The Intense Observing Period (IOP) Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) field campaign took place from 01 May to 15 June 2014 in the southeastern US and centered on the Southern Appalachian Mountains (SAM). IPHEx…

Modeling Vadose Zone Processes using HYDRUS and its Specialized ModuleDate: October 14, 2020

Speaker: Dr. Jirka Šimůnek Abstract: Agriculture is one of the most important non-point pollution sources due to the use of chemicals in plant and animal production. Many mathematical numerical models evaluating water flow and the fate and transport of these…

The Work-4-Water Initiative: Promoting Workforce Development, Infrastructure Investment, 400 Cesspool Replacements and Water Protection in Hawai‘i’s Four CountiesDate: September 30, 2020

Speakers: Stuart Coleman and Michael Mezzacapo Abstract: To help Hawai‘i deal with the unprecedented COVID-19 and resulting hardships, the Work-4-Water Initiative aims to create a workforce of development projects, and in the process, reduce the amount of pollution from cesspools…