Numerical modeling is an increasingly important tool for analyzing complex problems of water flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone. This workshop was designed to familiarize participants with the principles and numerical analysis of variably-saturated flow and transport, and…
Author: Aimee Schriber (page 4)
Scientific, Regulatory and Cultural Factors Influencing Water and Environmental Issues in Tropical Pacific IslandsJanuary 16, 2003
Click here to view the list of featured topics and publications
Workshop on Drinking Water and Recreational Water EpidemiologyApril 16, 2001
WRRC invited Rebecca Calderon, Ph.D., ASM (American Society of Microbiology) Foundation Speaker for 2001, and Chief of the Epidemiology & Biomarkers Branch at the EPA’s National Health & Environmental Effects Research Laboratory in Research Triangle Park, NC, to be the…
EPA Expert Workshop on Water QualityMarch 1-2, 2001
Dr. Roger Fujioka of the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Hawaii convinced EPA to fund a workshop to convene experts to review the existing data and to reach a conclusion on whether or not the EPA water…
The 8th Pacific Islands Area Seminar in Hawaii, USA, Fresh Water Resources: Current Issues on Water Supply and Sanitation in Pacific IslandsDecember 1-4, 1997
Symposium on Hawaii/Okinawa Water ResourcesJanuary 13, 1997
This Symposium on Hawaii/Okinawa Water Resources (SHOWR) was the third in a series of conferences which began over 10 years ago in Okinawa. Academic-level exchanges between our two faculties are conducted under the Basic Agreement on International Exchange Between the…
The 1994 Pacific Northwest/Oceania Conference, Assessment of Models for Groundwater Resources Analysis and ManagementMarch 21-23, 1994
Assessment of groundwater models was the focus of the Pacific Northwest/Oceania conference held on March 21-23, 1994, at the Turtle Bay Hilton, Oahu, Hawaii. This conference differed from other modeling meetings by focusing on critical assessment-to what extent models have…
How Clean is Clean Enough? Methods to Assess Environmental Risks Posed by Releases of PetroleumDate: April 1, 2022 (2:00 pm, HST)
Speaker: Dr. Roger Brewer Abstract: Petroleum constitutes perhaps the most common type of environmental contamination on a global scale. From small gas stations to tank farms, pipelines and large oil fields, the assessment of the risk to human health and…
QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION Groundwater Flow in the Moanalua/Red Hill/Halawa Region: Evaluating Rates, Directions, and Contamination RisksDate: March 30, 2022 (2:30 pm, HST)
Speakers: Mr. Robert Whittier and Dr. Donald Thomas Abstract: Due to unforeseen circumstances, a separate question and answer session was scheduled for the March 18, 2022 video presentation. Mr. Whittier and Dr. Thomas provided a brief summary of their presentation,…
Groundwater Flow in the Moanalua/Red Hill/Halawa Region: Evaluating Rates, Directions, and Contamination RisksDate: March 18, 2022
Speakers: Mr. Robert Whittier and Dr. Donald Thomas Abstract: The Navy stores more than 100 million gallons of petroleum-based fuels in underground storage tanks located just 100 to 150 feet above an Oahu aquifer, a primary drinking water source. Originally…