
A Preliminary Study of the Topographic Effects Upon Precipitation in Hawaii: Part II (Data Compiled: March 1970)

A Preliminary Study of the Topographic Effects Upon Precipitation in Hawaii: Part II (Data Compiled: March 1970)

Technical Memorandum Report No. 24
A Preliminary Study of the Topographic Effects Upon Precipitation in Hawaii: Part II (Data Compiled: March 1970)

Edmond D. H. Cheng and L. Stephen Lau
June 1970

This report, the second of a series, concerns studies made to develop regional precipitation formulas for Manoa basin on Oahu and a leeward region in east Molokai and to compare the formulas with those developed for Kalihi basin on Oahu which was previously reported in Hydrologic Data Network, Progress Report No. 1. The studies were conducted with the consultation and review of a panel consisting of D. C. Cox, J. H. Chang, S. Price, and R. Taylor.