
Proposed Zones of Mixing in Coastal Waters of Kauai

Proposed Zones of Mixing in Coastal Waters of Kauai

Technical Memorandum Report No. 26
Proposed Zones of Mixing in Coastal Waters of Kauai

Doak C. Cox, Nathan C. Burbank, and E. Alison Kay
August 1970

This memorandum report pertains to proposals to establish a number of zones of mixing in the coastal waters of Kauai in order to accommodate certain discharges of Kekaha Sugar Co., Gay and Robinson, Olokele Sugar Co., Kauai Electric Co., McBryde Sugar Co., Grove Farm Co., Lihue Plantation Co., Kauai County, and Kilauea Sugar Co., described in a notice of public hearings to be held August 24, 25, and 26 in Lihue, Kauai. The proposals have been made and the hearings have been scheduled pursuant to provisions in the State Water Quality Standards (Department of Health, Public Health Regulations, Chapt. 36 A, 1968). The State Water Quality Standards were developed on the basis of public hearings held during 1966 and 1967, at which were presented such meager data as was available on water quality and waste discharges, and in which members of the staff of the Water Resources Research Center participated. A special WRRC study of “Estuarine Pollution in the State of Hawaii”, Water Resources Research Center Tech. Rept. 31, vol. 1, 1970, made possible by the support of the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, included a summary of all information on pollution of the estuaries of Kauai, several of which are in or adjacent to proposed zones of mixing. Earlier proposals for zones of mixing in Honolulu Harbor and Kapalama Canal, Oahu, have been reviewed by members of the Center’s staff in WRRC Memorandum Report 22 and statements were presented at the public hearings concerning these proposals and a proposal for a zone of mixing in Maui. Of the authors of this report, Cox, a former resident of Kauai, has been involved in extensive work on the geology and hydrology of Kauai and some work on the oceanography of its coastal waters. Kay, also a former resident of the island, has been involved in extensive work on the coastal ecology of the island. Burbank has been engaged in the determination of waste water strengths and their effects upon discharge in coastal waters of Hawaii. This report has been reviewed by other concerned members of the staff of the Water Resources Research Center. However, any conclusions and recommendations in the report concerning the establishment of the proposed zones of mixing must be regarded as those of its authors alone. Neither the WRRC nor the University as institutions have any direct responsibility for administrative determinations under the Water Quality Standards.