
Outdoor Recreation in Watershed Reserves

Outdoor Recreation in Watershed Reserves

Technical Memorandum Report No. 49
Outdoor Recreation in Watershed Reserves

James E. T. Moncur
February 1976

Oahu’s closed watershed reserves include over 6,880 ha (17,000 acres), almost 4.5% of the island’s surface area, from which public access is virtually forbidden. This access restriction grows from concern with protecting the quality of groundwater recharged into Honolulu’s water supply system. Several recent studies, however, suggest that some human incursion in wilderness areas, such as hunting, fishing and other light recreational activities, will not substantially harm water quality, and may even improve it. Concentrating on a portion of the Honolulu watershed including a large reservoir, Nuuanu Reservoir No. 4, this report examines the background of the current access policies and investigates available information concerning potential economic and physical consequences of opening the area to limited recreational activity.